Critical times are calling for critical alliances. You know it's a big deal when the American Bankers Association, the Independent Community Bankers of America, the Credit Union National Association, and the National Association of Federal Credit Unions come together.
Let's pass the Financial Regulatory Improvement Act of 2015!
| The letter was addressed to Senate Banking Chair Richard Shelby (R-AL) and Ranking Member Sherrod Brown (D-OH), but all Senators were cc'd. |
14,000 financial institutions unite to plead for reg reform
We add our voice to ABA, ICBA, CUNA and NAFCU--we need financial regulatory relief passed THIS YEAR!
"This legislation addresses statutory and regulatory obstacles that thwart the ability of community banks and credit unions to fully serve the diverse financial services needs of consumers" the letter from the four groups states regarding Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL)'s S. 1484.
Allies elected with the support of Friends of Traditional Banking, such as Senators Joni Ernst (IA), Cory Gardner (CO), Dean Heller (NV) Tom Cotton (AR) and Pat Roberts (KS) are in favor of regulatory reform, but please contact YOUR senators to encourage reform in 2015! |
As we fight for regulatory relief this fall, we are telling members of Congress, particularly Democrats in the Senate that Friends of Traditional Banking will be a force to be reckoned with in the next election cycle as we support our friends who support regulatory relief AND punish those who continue to stand in the way of meaningful reform. We are counting on you to back us up!!!! Imagine what members of Congress will think when we can tell them we have a volunteer leader for every Congressional District in the U.S. (435). All we are asking our District Captains to do is talk to 10 people about Friends of Traditional Banking and commit them to participate next election at any dollar level. When we select the two key races in September of 2016, we will ask our District Captains to reach out to their ten friends and encourage them to make their direct contribution. Reply to this email if you are willing to be one of our District Captains! Do it right now! Our success in the next few weeks could impact the regulatory relief debate this fall!
Are you a leader?
We need point people around the country that can help us build small lists of friends of traditional banking in their local areas. Below is the roster of our Fifty State Banker Board. If your state is not represented, please consider joining us! If your state is represented already, please join us as one of our district captains. We can't do it without your help. (If interested in learning more, please reach out to mike@friendsoftraditionalbanking.com)
- Dale Cole (Arkansas), CEO & Chairman, First Community Bank
- Steve Gilbert (Arizona), Exec VP & CCO, Mohave State Bank
- James Beckwith (California), CEO & Pres, Five Star Bank
- Mark Bower (Colorado), EVP CFO/COO, Home State Bank
- Bryan Luke (Hawaii), Pres & COO, Hawaii National Bank
- Mike Olson (Iowa), VP, Lincoln Savings Bank
- Frank Carson (Kansas), Pres & CEO, Carson Bank
- Joye Hunt (Kentucky), SVP & CFO, PBK Bank
- Guy Williams (Louisiana), Pres & CEO, Gulf Coast Bank & Trust
- Doug Chaffin (Michigan), Pres & CEO, Monroe Bank & Trust
- Bob Buth (Minnesota), Pres, Bell State Bank & Trust
- Harold Miles (Missouri), Pres & CEO, Bank of Advance
- Keith Knudsen (Nebraska), Pres & CEO, Security Bank
- Mike Long (New Hampshire), Pres & CEO, Community Guaranty Savings Bank
- Jay Jenkins (New Mexico), Pres & CEO, Carlsbad National Bank
- Terry Shirey (Nevada), Exec VP & CFO, Nevada State Bank
- Michael Steen (Ohio), Pres & CEO, The Community Bank
- Brad Swickey (Oklahoma), Pres & CEO, Valliance Bank
- Kevin Tetzlaff (South Dakota), Pres & CEO, First Bank & Trust
- Alan Lackey (Texas), Pres & CEO, Lone Star Bank of West Texas
- Mott Ford (Tennessee), CEO, Commercial Bank & Trust
- Roger Shumway (Utah), EVP, Bank of Utah
- Denise Portmann (Washington), Pres & CEO, Bank of the Pacific
- Tim Aiken (West Virginia), Pres & CEO, Union Bank
- Jeff Wallace (Wyoming), Pres & CEO, Wyoming Bank & Trust
*Titles used for identification purposes only. |
Friends of Traditional Banking is a bi-partisan organization. We have plenty of Republicans, Democrats and Independents among our 14,000 members. But if Senate Democrats continue to block any meaningful regulatory reform, we will have no choice but to support reform-minded Republicans or Independents in our two key races next year.
We have proactively reached out to Democrat leaders in the Senate to pledge our willingness to support Democrats in the next election if they will just follow through on their promises to save traditional banks from regulatory destruction. There are many Democrats who understand the critical role of Traditional Banking in communities throughout America and have indicated their support, but if we are going to ask thousands of Friends of Traditional Banking across America to write checks to support them, we are going to need a little more than sweet talk. We are not new to this process and FOTB leadership is not going to be fooled by political gamesmanship.
Donate to help us grow in 2015!
Help Friends of Traditional Banking grow our nationwide network. The groundwork we lay this year is critical to more victories next year. CLICK HERE to see how to make an easy online donation or where to mail a check.
Friends of Traditional Banking is a non-partisan grassroots effort, organized by bankers. We have over 15,000 members in all fifty states, choose two Congressional races each cycle, and encourage our membership to donate directly to those campaigns.