We Will Remember Who on the Hill Acted on PPP

Bankers around the country have been working around the clock to help small businesses get their PPP loan applications in. 

As that fund needs replenishing, Friends of Traditional Banking joins others in the industry in encouraging Congress to keep PPP funded. 

As a political watchdog, we are watching very carefully to see who is stepping up to help, and who is stonewalling. When we determine which races to support and oppose later this election year, we will factor in support of PPP.
COVID-19 News & Resources

Around the country, businesses are
thanking community banks for help with getting PPP assistance.'We're ecstatic': Raleigh small business can pay rent, employees thanks to federal funds from PPP. Read here: https://abc11.tv/2Klwz9e

CEO of Texas-based Vista Bank John D. Steinmetz, writes that To help Main Street businesses, look to Main Street banks. Read his article in CNBC here: https://cnb.cx/2KlfTyN 

One of our key partners BankOnIT and FOTB member Valliance Bank share how they are adapting and still serving great bank customers using technology in these trying times. Read the article here: https://www.accountingtoday.com/news/senate-coronavirus-relief-package-includes-cecl-delay 

"America is fortunate to have two marketplace sectors that also happen to be unique in the world: 28 million small businesses and 5,000 community banks." writes Jim Blasingame in Forbes. Read the article The Special Sauce Created By Small Business And Community Banks here: https://bit.ly/3eIbILh 

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PAID for by Friends of Traditional Banking. NOT authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
Friends of Traditional Banking is a non-partisan grassroots effort organized by bankers in 2012 to improve the political and regulatory environment for the traditional banking industry in the U.S. FOTB is the inverse of a PAC--instead of spreading a little bit of money to a lot of campaigns, they focus a lot of money on a couple of key campaigns.

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Friends of Traditional Banking, 175 South Main Street, Ste 1420, Salt Lake City, UT 84111